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healthy recipes, optimal health, overnight oats

OVERNIGHT OATS – Banana, Strawberry and Vanilla

This is a great breakfast alternative that you can prepare the night before and take with you to work. You can create different flavours depending on what you like and create variety so you don’t get bored.
You can use any jar or nutri bullet cup with lid so they are easily portable.

To make these all you have to do is mix the ingredients the night before, shake them up and leave them overnight; ready for the morning


½ cup jumbo oats (50g roughly)
½ cup almond milk or alternative (100mls oat milk, the rest water to make ½ cup)
1 small ripe banana (75g roughly)
50g chopped strawberries
1 Tbsp milled flaxseed (7g roughly)
¼ tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp nutmeg
¼ tsp vanilla bean paste
20g chopped walnuts (optional)


Add all the ingredients into a jar or container – shake them all together then put them in the fridge.
You can add the walnuts the next day if you like.

Add more almond milk if you desire in the morning


TOTAL 368 kcals (no walnuts)
Carbs 70g
Fat 7g
Protein 9g

You can also add a scoop of protein powder to make it more filling

TOTAL 485kcals
Carbs 72g
Fat 9g
Protein 34g

You can lower the calories but replacing the banana with raspberries or blueberries.


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optimal health, personal training, Winchmore Hill



I think New Years is a great time to reflect on the year that’s passed and set some goals for the year ahead.

For most people its weight loss and it’s a cycle they repeat year in and year out with no real success.

We focus so much on weight loss that we forget about our own health.

Dieting is hard, and most of the diets are so restrictive you can’t sustain them. Dieting doesn’t teach you about Optimal Health; It’s main goal is losing weight on the scale and sometimes it comes at the expense of our health.


Optimal health comprises 6 main areas –








These areas often aren’t considered when starting a diet to lose weight – the main focus of a diet often focuses on losing weight at all costs and ignores the importance of these 6 areas in our lives. At times the diets we go on start to compromise these areas of health that we should be nurturing and growing.

Yes; losing weight is important for emotional stability, our state of mind, how we look and feel, how we socialise with others etc it’s the method of how we do it that needs to change.

Find a way of eating that fits your life, extreme dieting works but the end result is usually weight gain and a rollercoaster of yo yo eating that leaves you emotionally and physical drained and they take you away from your social circles as you can’t enjoy yourself.


If you seek health first you will start to eat healthier, you will eat less junk food and processed snacks. You will look for healthier options and drink less alcohol. You will want to exercise as it will improve your strength and fitness. You will find a balance that works, that you can maintain; and you learn what works for you so that you can sustain it.

I am not saying it’s easy, sometimes the crash diet is a great kickstart; but you can’t be on a diet 12 months of the year.

You need a base plan and structure, you need to educate yourself and take responsibility for your own journey.

Making these changes to seek health will build on the 6 areas above and make you a more rounded healthy person AND you will more than likely lose weight at the same time.


We aim to help our members in these areas, we are available to work on a structure that fits them, to support them on their journey and if needed move into healthy eating plans based on calories and optimal health.


Contact us for more information on our 30 day trial


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personal training, fat loss, weight loss, Winchmore hill



This time of year is renowned for new year resolutions
You decide you have had enough and want to lose weight, get fit or tone up.

Each year you make the same promises to yourself. You get really motivated (which is great) –

You join the gym.
Do a detox.
Go running.
Go on the latest fad diet.

You start off so motivated.
But then the motivation wears off.
The diet becomes harder to stick to.
You start to compromise and become complacent.
You come up with excuses for not training.
And soon enough you are back to your old ways.
Struggling to see how everyone else can do it but why can’t you!!

A lot of the time you fail before you even really got started.
You set your ambitions too high. Going from zero exercise to training 6 days a week, which is unnecessary!!
You try to stick to a diet that restricts everything 24/7 which is also unnecessary to lose weight.
You go on a detox, spending loads of money on shakes lose a bit of weight but again is unnecessary – but if it kickstarts your fat loss you need a plan post detox so you can continue what you started (planning is key)

To get it right you first have to make a plan that fits around you and that you can stick to month in and month out.
The plan may need to be flexible; or may need to be altered or adjusted as you progress (hence the need of a coach and training community).

At Fitness Hub 21 we aim to help you set realistic goals based on what you need to change and are willing to change.

You don’t have to suffer to get results.
You need to enjoy the process and see a result.
You need to understand how fat loss works and have a diet built around you that you can sustain.
You need to train consistently 2-4 x a week and move more in your day to day lives.
You need coaches who can work with you and help you along the way. Who get it and understand how you feel.
You need people to train with and share the journey with.
You need to do this for you.
You are worth it.
You have it in you to achieve.
You just need the right environment to allow you to do this.

At Fitness Hub 21 –
We don’t judge you.
We support you.

There are no egos.
Just a great community that know exactly how you feel.

We don’t humiliate you if you can’t do something.
We teach you how to do it and help you become more confident in your ability.

This New Year.
Do something different to get a better result than last year.
Join us for our 30 day trial and see why we are the best fit for you.

For more info email or check out our website


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The build-up to Christmas is usually filled with parties, lots of celebration drinks and meals out. Running around sorting out presents, wrapping them, organising the food, prepping it, cooking it and eventually sitting down to a meal with family and friends.

It can all seem a bit much even though the time invested is usually worth it.


While I don’t suggest following a diet over the Christmas and New Year period (although sensible eating is advised), the stress and frenzy of the season can see your exercise fall away as your days become busier in the build up to Christmas Day.


Add to that the extra alcohol and food you consume you may feel like you have undone all your hard work; but can I assure you that a few days of over eating won’t undo 12 months of hard work. The time we spend with our family and friends is more important than sticking to your calories over this period. Laughing and enjoying yourself is so important to your state of mind and social wellbeing.


If you haven’t been exercising regularly up to this point then maybe you should consider starting now so that you don’t repeat the same cycle in 12 months time. So that you can wake up after Christmas and just get back into it; so you wake up after Christmas not feeling and looking heavier than you did 12 months ago.


Right about now you’re feeling bloated, maybe your joints are achy, maybe a bit hungover, tired, lethargic and a bit like a couch potato from eating and drinking too much.


So what can you do??


Get back to training.

Go for a long walk.

Get some fresh air.

Start being more active especially if you’re not working between now and the New Year.

Start seeing exercise as a way to improve your health and lifestyle and not just as a means of losing weight.

Stop making excuses and just start where your at.

Exercise should be a positive activity in your life – not something you dread or hate doing.


So get up off the couch, leave the dishes and mess from Christmas and get out and start moving.


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personal training, weight loss, fat loss, Winchmore Hill



The hardest part of the year to be trying to lose weight is the 2 weeks from Christmas to New Year. It’s getting colder, the days are shorter, you crave stodgy warm food and leaving the house to exercise seems like the hardest thing to do.


Add to that Christmas Parties and celebration drinks after work. The meal you eat Christmas day and the rest…. The New Year’s Eve celebrations and pretty soon your gaining weight not losing it. You feel depressed that you failed and indulged in things you wouldn’t normally do, you feel fat, lethargic and not motivated to move.




It doesn’t have to be that way. I am not saying you should be counting calories on Christmas day and that you can’t drink and enjoy yourself. I think being able to enjoy ourselves socially without guilt is so important for our emotional and spiritual health. What I am saying is that you can navigate this season well and come out of it still on track and motivated to keep going.


If you want to avoid excess weight gain this Christmas season, but still enjoy yourself without the guilt here are a few tips.

1. Planning – like anything you need to look at your calendar and mark down the social events you are committed to. If it’s a restaurant, look at the menu and pick the best options. Maybe switch your alcohol to sprits to reduce calories. Maybe have just a starter and a main and leave the dessert. Or if you have a sweet tooth opt for a main and a dessert.

You could share a dessert with a friend which halves the calories and allows you to enjoy eating it at the same time.

All you need to do is be mindful, think about it a little more and you can still enjoy your night out without compromising too much on the goal you made.


2.Be Realistic – This time of year is one to celebrate so weight loss may just have to be put on hold for 2 weeks to allow yourself to enjoy the season. If you can’t take time out to indulge a little once a year, then maybe you need to rethink your priorities.

2 weeks of relaxing, indulging and socialising will not undo 12 months of effort and hard work. What it will do is make you happier.

Do away with the guilt and just enjoy the moment and the people you are with.

You have 50 other weeks in the year to work on losing weight.


3.Increase your training – If you know that you will be eating more than try to combat it by increasing your training. It will help keep you in a positive mindset and lessen the guilt you feel from all the parties and food you will consume.


4.Be on it with your meals – Another way to offset the social activities is to eat well around them. Plan your meals so you are spot on and don’t deviate from them. When you can be good be very good. This allows you to enjoy going out and spending time with family and friends – No Guilt.


5.Go walking more everyday – Another good way to increase the calories you burn is to go walking every day – Aim for 10000-15000 steps at least every day over December and January. Walking increases the calories you burn but it doesn’t increase your hunger like other exercise can. If you burn 300 more calories a day from walking on top of what you already do; that’s 2100 kcals more a week you burn which goes a long way to helping you out with the added parties and food.


6.Don’t be on a diet Christmas Day – One sure way to ruin your day and leave you with a whole bunch of guilt is to stick to your calories on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Eve. Is it really that important in the grand scheme of things that you count calories on these days?

Can you eat less on other days to allow yourself to eat more?? YES

Can you forget about weight loss for 2 weeks and just chill out and have fun?? YES

Can you still be sensible and not over indulge and still enjoy yourself?? YES


Don’t burden others with your clean eating ways and perfect calorie intake – let them enjoy the food even if you want to sit there eating food from a Tupperware container.


It’s time to chill out, enjoy yourself but not go too crazy – use the tips above to your advantage that way instead of piling loads of weight on you can maybe stay the same but you will look back on this Christmas and New Year as a great time – GUILT FREE.


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fat loss



You don’t need to worry about being on weight watchers, slimming world, intermittent fasting, a juice detox or any other diet method.

You don’t need to worry about how many carbs you need to lose weight, is breakfast important or not eating too late at night.

You don’t need to go to diet extremes and cut out everything you love.

You don’t have to give up alcohol.

You don’t have to train 5 x a week killing yourself in the gym.

You don’t even have to go on a diet to lose weight.


You just need to follow a few principles and key areas


Successful fat loss and optimal health come from


  1. Being in a calorie deficit

How you create this deficit is down to the individual.

The method of low carb, high carb, fasting etc. is specific to each person and what they prefer.

How you achieve your deficit is up to you but don’t sacrifice your own health to lose weight.

Don’t create too big a deficit as it will leave you with low energy and less strength for training.

Find your optimal deficit where you are losing weight, function well, sleep well, train well and are satisfied by the food you eat.



  1. Sleep

King of recovery is in the quality and quantity of your sleep. If you are eating well and training but struggling to lose weight, then maybe you need to address your sleep.

This is so overlooked as a way to get great results but so so important for fat loss and our overall health.



  1. Increasing your training

Exercise alone won’t cause you to lose loads of weight.

Yes, you will increase your energy expenditure from training and burn more calories, but it can also help with creating a more positive and motivated you.

It will get you fitter, stronger and more confident.

It can help you be more positive and feel in more control of your life.

It can help you to be more mindful of what you’re eating; especially if your trying to lose weight and you’re working hard in the gym.

The benefits of exercise go far beyond just weight loss alone. Look down the road a few years and ask yourself if I can make exercise part of my life where will I be in 2 yrs, 10 yrs etc.

How much better will you be by taking care of yourself now.



  1. Increasing your neat

Your NEAT is Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis – in other words it’s the calories you burn when you’re not in the gym or exercising.

If you want to lose weight quicker; you need to move more outside of your training at the gym.

Walk 10000 steps a day or 15000.

Take the stairs or get off the train 1 stop early.

Just move more and increase the calories you burn.



  1. Being consistent

Whatever you decide to do to create a calorie deficit, add to your life in the form of exercise or the healthy habits you create for yourself – stick to it.

Be consistent, give it time to work.

Don’t stress about it just be diligent and do each day what you set out to do and after a month test how you have gone.

If it’s working well then just keep going. Why change it if it’s working.

Trust the process and be patient.



  1. Finding joy in the journey

Smile and smile often, losing weight shouldn’t be boring or a chore all the time. Yes, you have to make changes and create new lifestyle habits and it can be uncomfortable but after a while you adjust. Find joy, find people who understand and can help you along the way, people who make the journey fun and worth it.



  1. Creating healthy habits

The cornerstone of successful weight loss and improved health is developing healthy habits over time. Your relationship with food and how mindful you are of what you eat needs to change.

You can’t follow a strict diet, lose weight then go back to how you ate before you started the diet and expect to keep it off. You have to change your lifestyle and approach to healthy eating; your habits need to change otherwise you will be dieting for the rest of your life.


We start by working on 1 thing at a time. Eg Could be late night snacking, if you have a tendency to over eat at night then you need to work on ways to change this. If it’s that bad, then changing this one habit could be the thing you need to start losing weight. You could opt for lower calorie healthier snacks to replace what you currently have, eat less in the day to allow for some snacks at night or portion out your snacks to keep you in a deficit.

If late night snacking is what leads you to over eat and gain weight over all your other eating habits, then start here. Replace the action of snacking on high calorie, low nutrient food late at night with a healthier, lower calorie portioned option.


This is just one example, but it shows how losing weight doesn’t have to be complicated or boring, it’s about being smarter and changing the big things that will lead to the best results.



  1. Realising there is no quick fix or short cuts

I won’t lie but losing weight can be hard work, it takes daily commitment and time and It involves changing your lifestyle to develop healthy habits.

There is no quick fix, no secret we aren’t telling you – just hard work and a rewarding result at the end of it.



  1. Adherence is key

No matter what you do or how perfect you’re eating plan is if you can’t follow it you won’t lose weight. There is no perfect plan that fits everybody.

The method of your weight loss needs to suit your lifestyle, food choices, likes and dislikes and social life.

If you prefer low carb and you can be consistent doing this then maybe that’s the option for you. Others may prefer higher carbs or opt to eat a balance of carbs and protein.

There is no right or wrong way – just the right way for you.




Our members have nutritional support built into their training memberships that they can access when they need help to stay on track.

Rather than just giving you a cookie cutter meal plan we aim to personalize the nutritional approach to each member.

We keep it simple and use what you’re already doing as a starting point.

You are involved in process and lead the way in terms of what you want to change.

Losing weight will have its ups and downs, it’s never linear and life will always throw us curve balls.

It’s how you react, get back up and keep going that counts.


For more information about our 30-day trial contact us on 07923471006 or

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personal training, Winchmore hill, lose weight, fat loss, exercises



Not every session is meant to kill you. We think that by punishing ourselves in the gym we will get quicker results. You can do too much interval training.
You can burn yourself out and over train which will stop you achieving your goals, increase your risk of injury and set you back.

It all depends on your goal, level of energy and what is going on in your life. You need to vary your training and build on different areas such as strength, mobility, coordination, strength endurance and general fitness.

We aim to offer a variety of training that provides a balance between high intensity, mobility work, weight training for strength and just fun movements and exercises.
To achieve the long-term goal, you need a program that considers what you need each session and in each season.
How often and hard you train all comes down to how well you recover.
You also have to be aware of your goals, current life situation and what you can handle physically.





You need to keep your training in line with your goals – if it’s an extreme transformation you want then yes you will have to train more and put in more effort than those who just want to lose a bit of weight and feel better in themselves.
You also have to ask yourself are you ready to do that – is your life in balance to allow for such a huge undertaking or will you end of burning yourself out in pursuit of a goal that your lifestyle at present can’t sustain.
You need to look at what is realistic for you and go from there. If you can only fit in 3 sessions a week then that’s all you can do. You just have to make every session count and adjust your goal to fit into what you can do (make it more realistic).



HIIT sessions are great fun but will take you longer to recover from. Instead of training 4 x a week HIIT; break up your training and do all body weights training 2 days a week and 2 days a week HIIT training.
You could also train every other day, which gives you a day’s rest in between in which you can recover.
You could also do an 8-12 week intensive programme then scale it back to allow the body and mind to recover. These are a great way to focus towards a short-term goal.



The older your training age the greater your work capacity and ability to recover from exercise. If your new to training, then you need to see how you feel after a session and see how long it takes you to recover before training again. As you get fitter, stronger and your training age increases you will be able to work at a higher rate and recover quicker.
Be sensitive to what your body is saying and be sensible when it comes to how often you train.



You need to factor in your nutrition, sleep, workload and day to day life
Sleep is so important not only for weight loss and muscle gain but also for optimal health. Sleep is what will get you the results from all your hard work.
Sleep is under rated and Is a low priority for many, but lack of sleep could be setting you back from seeing the results you’re after.

What you eat and how you fuel your body will also drive your training sessions and day to day life. If your diet is bad, then how can you expect your body to respond and give you it’s best when your food intake is substandard.

Work life balance – If work is busy and stressful then it can affect your energy for training. Try to be aware of any upcoming deadlines or an increase is work hours and scale back your training accordingly, so you can still get the most out of it without wearing yourself down.

Look out for signs and symptoms such as always tired after training and a plateau in results. These are red flags that you’re not recovering from your sessions and heading down the path of over training.
Take a week out and rest, it might be what you need to start seeing results again.



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fat loss



You can’t move forward in life by continually looking over your shoulder.

What has happened is gone – you need to shift your focus and concentrate on where you are now.

It doesn’t matter that –

You may have had some bad experiences with other gyms or coaches that turned you off exercise.

You may have a bad relationship with food in the past.

You are looking to get back into training 10 years after having kids.

You may be in a hole and unable to get out and on with your life.


Let go of the guilt and anger and focus on what matters.


What matters is now and what you are going to do about it.


Fat loss aside you need to shift your focus and focus on investing in yourself.

Rediscover who you are, find your passion for life, your energy and get back that desire to want to improve.


Health is a journey that starts with the desire to improve yourself.

You don’t have to have all the answers to start, or be perfect.

You just need the will and want to move forward and get yourself out of the position or situation you find yourself in.


No one can do it for you – but the after effects of you actioning it will effect everyone around you in a positive way.


Take it one day at a time.

Set daily tasks that you know you can achieve.

Be accountable to yourself and start to believe in your own ability to take control of your health.

Get up and get moving.

Take responsibility of where you are now and do something about it.

Be kind to yourself and don’t judge yourself so harshly.

If your food goes off for a day, it doesn’t really matter – you learn from it and make better choices next time.

You may not feel like training but go anyway – exercise will change your mood, lift you up and take you one step closer to where you want to be.


It’s a process – a journey – you learn from your mistakes and grow into a better version of who you are.


We need to stop kidding ourselves and realise –

There are no quick fixes – results take time.

Real results take effort and hard work – consistency is key.

No one can do it for you.

You are responsible for you.

That it all comes down to what you do with your body and what you put in your mouth.



Over time you need to develop healthier habits to sustain you.

You need to be accountable to yourself and stop blaming others.

You need to watch what you eat and how many calories you eat.

You need to start moving and exercising especially as you age.


So less talk, more action.

Take the first step – move forward – stop looking behind you and realise the best is yet to come.


Start today – contact Lisa to book a consultation to learn more about our 30 day Kickstart programme. – designed to get you back into exercise and on your way to a healthy and leaner you.


You are worth it!!

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personal trainer near me, Winchmore hill, fat loss, weight loss

You spend months training in the lead up to your summer holiday desperately trying to lose the weight you have gained in the past 12 months. You do a great job and now the holiday is over what do you do???

After 13 years in the fitness industry one of the biggest drop offs in training is after summer.

You lose motivation as you were single goal focused.

You quietly slip back into old habits.

You stop going to the gym as much.

You start eating more.

You figure summer is over so you don’t have to try anymore.

You gain what you lost and next year have to start over again


Does this sound familiar??


This approach to exercise while it is good in the lead up to your holiday doesn’t actually lead to ongoing results year in and year out. You stop training only have to repeat the same process next year as you let yourself go.


May I encourage you to see past the short term goal and set goals that will take you past summer and into next year. This summer don’t make the same mistakes.



Imagine if you didn’t have to go on crazy diets and training plans in the lead up to your holiday.

Imagine if you made exercise part of your life all year round.

Imagine how each year you got better and better, lost more weight, kept it off and get even better results.


This year – have a think about what you would like to achieve by Christmas and into the new year?

Think about the strength or fitness goals you may have that will take longer to achieve and switch your focus from just losing weight for holidays.

Start making exercise part of your life, enjoy, work hard, eat well, have a social life and next year you will find that you feel and look better for all your dedication.

If you have lost your motivation to train or you want to get started contact us about our 30 day trial

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personal trainer near me, Winchmore hill,

Training doesn’t have to be unenjoyable.

Most of the dislike we may have for exercise dates back to old gyms with rows of cardio machines, a weights room full of equipment that you don’t know how to use and a list of classes that require you to be able to move to a beat.

Exercise has changed a lot in the past 10 years – the options available to you have changed even if you haven’t been keeping up.

Our aim is to adapt the training we do to your goals and your starting point. To make it less daunting and more achievable.

The idea of exercise shouldn’t be one of fear or dread. Moving more gives you so many health benefits and will add quality of life. Movement is essential to life.

Exercise doesn’t always need to challenge you – it all depends what you want to get out of it.

More often than not our members are new to training and have never set foot in a gym.

They find a place to call home as we meet you where your at and start there.

We coach you every step of the way and are always there to help you in your journey.

If you want to lose weight then yes you have to challenge yourself; however It can still be hard but not hated!

To get started you need to find people that raise you up and trust me, it gets easier

We always say that it doesn’t matter what your goal is, what point you’re starting at or your level of experience.

The fact you have stepped out and started is a massive win and you can only get better and improve on yourself.

Contact us to come in for a chat about our 30 day trial

Prove to yourself that you can get started again and move forward.